
Renovators Delight

Buying a ‘renovators special’ ie a tired old house, can be daunting, but for a retired energetic couple it was all grist to the mill. And what a result.

There’s more to ‘home sweet home’ than walls floors and a roof

Style and charm were important, but a whole of property, whole of lifestyle approach was needed. A cook’s kitchen and pantry, room for a piano, an open sunny deck to the north, a workshop and study space, and most importantly a productive food garden. Not to mention chooks and remote power for the caravan. A large, enclosed food garden was designed as a centre point and incorporated into the program.

The building was stripped to a skeleton, rudely adjusted, rewired and replumbed and then re-clad internally and externally. The front door was hand built, timber panels under windows included to complement the cladding, a couple of neat trusses built on site and a kitchen materialized from a jumble of cupboards.

Eighteen months later espaliered fruit trees are heavy with fruit, and the latest in automatically watered wicking beds are producing an overflow of fresh vegetables. A third of the workshop is a high tech office, and the remainder holds tools, benches and storage. The house inside just feels ‘right’, as though this family has been here a long while. We are all happy!

“We get up daily and say - we love this house.”

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